4 Ways to Boost Shopify Profits with Copy and Heading Testing

Content Testing

Sep 27, 2024

4 Ways to Boost Shopify Profits with Copy and Heading Testing

If you’re not optimizing your Shopify store’s copy and headings, you’re missing out on potential profit.

Drew Marconi

Images and design can tell your story, and showcase products at their best. But copy is what drives action, prompting customers to buy, sign up, subscribe, or follow. 

But optimizing copy is more complex than drafting a few headings. Sometimes, what resonates best with shoppers may surprise you, and that’s why continuous testing is essential. 

Constant experimentation allows you to keep learning about customer preferences and refining copy accordingly. It’s the data-driven way to improve your PPV (profit-per-visitor) and increase conversions.

Ready to get started? These are the four best ways to optimize your copy and headings for profit, complete with results and examples from real Intelligems customers.

1. Test everything — without a developer

As a Shopify merchant, you know experimentation is powerful. But constant split testing might feel out of reach on top of all the day-to-day work of running your store. 

That’s why Intelligems makes testing easy with our intuitive visual editor. 

Effortlessly swap out different copy elements and compare their performance — zero coding required. With Onsite Editor continuous copy optimization becomes part of everyday operations. 

How to drive profits with the Onsite Editor 

With our on-site visual editor Shopify owners and marketers can easily experiment with every heading, product description, image, or call to action. Onsite Editor opens on top of your existing site, allowing you to instantly test text and visual elements without tweaking a single line of code. 

Simply click on any element, and draft an alternate version. Then, launch an A/B or multivariate test to compare both versions in seconds.

Onsite Editor in action: Fulton

Insole brand Fulton used Intelligems to experiment with new, unexpected types of content. With the Onsite Editor, they trialed lo-fi UGC-style images on their homepage — a huge change from their usual polished photography. The test was a huge success, even though it departed from the brand’s refined aesthetic.

Customers loved it — the test improved profit per visitor by 40%.

2. Enhance your copy with no-code testing on images

Copy is powerful. But when paired with the right images, it can truly take profits to another level.

Image replacements are just as easy as copy and heading tests in Intelligems. Effortlessly test copy and images, so you can find the ideal combinations to drive customer action.

How to drive profits with native image replacement

Intelligems’ Onsite Editor also lets you easily test images along with copy elements like headings and product descriptions. 

From our no-code editor, simply select and replace the images you want to test, along with headings and copy. As you discover text content that resonates with your customers, experiment with image pairings to elevate your results. 

Native image replacement in action: Fulton

Insole brand Fulton used Intelligems image testing to embrace a customer-guided marketing strategy. 

Fulton started split-testing every aspect of its site, including images, with sometimes surprising results. For example, the brand tried using raw, UGC-style images on its homepage instead of professionally shot photos. 

Customers loved it. From this one content replacement test alone, Fulton increased profit per visitor by 40%

3. Run mutually exclusive tests for cleaner results

For split tests that return useful data, reducing interference is essential. If customers see multiple content variants during a site visit, it’s impossible to say for sure which is creating your results.

Intelligems’ mutually exclusive testing eliminates that problem. We ensure every site element visitors see, other than the copy you’re testing, remains exactly the same. 

That means you get super-rigorous data on which content drives the most profit — so you can deliver better and better results over time. 

How to drive profit with mutually exclusive testing

Intelligems enables constant testing of everything on your site — including copy, images, prices, and HTML or CSS elements. That means our users tend to run many experiments at once. 

To prevent test results from interfering with each other, we guarantee mutually exclusive test groups. For example, customers who see two different versions of a site header won’t also see different banner images. That way, you’ll always know which variable is driving your findings. 

Mutually exclusive testing in action: Original Grain

Premium watch brand Original Grain had always excelled at driving CTR with social ads, but realized they also needed to optimize their website to drive meaningful bottom-line growth. They started tweaking copy, headings, and content with Intelligems.

With mutually exclusive testing, they could be absolutely positive which test was behind which result — allowing them to increase profit per visitor by 50% with a single headline test.

4. Get actionable feedback with profit-focused analytics

Content tests are great, but they’re meant to inform concrete action and increase bottom-line profit. So we built our analytics around ecommerce metrics, like profit per visitor and revenue per visitor. 

These profit-focused analytics reveal actionable takeaways you can use immediately. After every test, you’ll know exactly when to double down on what works or pull back on what doesn’t to improve profitability across your site. 

How to drive incremental value with profit-focused analytics

With Intelligems, you don’t need to wonder how test results should inform action. From our analytics dashboard, you’ll instantly see which copy and heading elements drive the most profit. 

You can get granular with Intelligems analytics, digging into metrics like conversion rate and AOV. But we know these are just means to a greater goal — profitability. That’s why we frame all test results around our North Star, profit-per-visitor (PPV), and other big-picture metrics like revenue per visitor. 

Profit-focused analytics in action: Mott and Bow

Clothing brand Mott & Bow wanted a fast, efficient way to understand how every site element, from prices to product titles, affected profitability across their catalog of elevated basics. They found it in Intelligems’ analytics, which uses profit per visitor as a North Star for every test. 

Since consolidating their experimentation into Intelligems, Mott & Bow has seen a 5% increase in profit per visitor and 30% more incremental profit on men’s chinos, one of their most popular SKUs.

5. Test super-personalized copy and headings

Personalized copy and headings drive engagement — and profit — by speaking to shoppers’ unique needs and preferences. This level of targeting is often prohibitively time- and labor-intensive for merchants, but Intelligems Personalizations brings it within reach.

With minimal lift on your team, run copy and heading tests based on device, traffic source, or visitor type, so you can deliver the most optimal version of your site to every visitor after learning what resonates with each segment.

How to drive profit with personalization

Iterate on product copy, headings, CTAs, and other text elements quickly and easily, no coding or Shopify add-ons required. Deploy personalized copy tests within winning page variants as soon as you have your results, or start from scratch on your main site to refine existing content.

Ensure your personalizations always reach the right audience with Intelligems’ precise targeting capabilities:

  • Specify conditions: Target based on various criteria such as traffic sources, URL parameters, and cookies.

  • Combine and refine: Exclude, narrow, and expand audiences with powerful AND/OR logic. 

  • Track by origin link: Keep personalizations exclusive to visitors who enter your site through a specific page, such as an influencer campaign. 

Personalization in action: Harper Wilde

Comfort-first lingerie brand Harper Wilde wanted to show a specific banner, a custom coupon code, to shoppers who found their site through Tapjoy. 

Using Personalizations, the brand was able to quickly and easily target the banner to this niche segment, and insert them with the Onsite Editor.

With Intelligems Personalizations, Harper Wilde is creating unique shopping experiences that speak to highly specific cohorts — helping them drive profit and build strong customer relationships.

Boost your Shopify profit by testing your copy and headings with Intelligems

Stop guessing which copy and heading changes will increase profits. 

Intelligems makes it easy to continuously test every heading and piece of copy and discover new versions that maximize profit. 

Copy testing is available to all Intelligems merchants. Log in now to run your first test.

If you don’t use Intelligems yet, getting started is easy. 

Book a demo or try Intelligems free for 7 days, and see how you can increase profits with copy testing. 

Ready to get started?
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Content Testing


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