
Personalize all
aspects of your site
to every visitor

Personalize all
aspects of your site
to every visitor

Personalize all
aspects of your site
to every visitor

Maximize profit by personalizing content, offers, and prices.  Roll out segmented, personalized site experiences faster than ever - no code required.

Maximize profit by personalizing content, offers, and prices.  Roll out segmented, personalized site experiences faster than ever - no code required.

Maximize profit by personalizing content, offers, and prices.  Roll out segmented, personalized site experiences faster than ever - no code required.

Customer Segment


United States


Insta Promo - 20% off for V-Day!



10% Off

Not sure? Shipping & returns are free!

Customer Segment

Returning Visitors



How it works

Build Personalizations from scratch or roll out high-performing test variants.

Black Friday Sale - NYC



Black Friday Sale - NYC



Black Friday Sale - NYC



Create a Personalization

Create a Personalization

Select your modifications

Select your modifications

Audience Segment 2

New York

New Visitors

Audience Segment 2

New York

New Visitors

Audience Segment 2

New York

New Visitors

Set audience and deploy

Set audience and deploy

Deploy and target offers

Build and test sophisticated offers like volume discounts and GWP while measuring impact across your funnel.

Take action on your test results

Quickly roll out winning variants to all visitors or specific customer segments.

Test Variant 1

Test Variant 2

Test Variant 1

Test Variant 2

Test Variant 1

Test Variant 2

Quickly ship codeless edits

Immediately go live with changes without Shopify limitations or dev delays.

Show time-critical announcements to a limited audience, fine-tune text, or re-arrange and hide elements.




Maintain consistency from ads to LDPs

Send visitors to unique landing pages with personalized content and offers without sharing and managing separate links.

Reroute your external ads without disrupting or resetting their campaigns.

Personalize product discovery

Boost conversions by showing different collections for certain customers.

What our customers are saying

Before we found Intelligems, we weren’t able to customize offers or experiences, and instead were stuck with a one size fits all approach for every visitor. Now, we’re able to test & implement personalized campaigns for our different customer segments. This allows us to drive not only higher profitability per website visit but also deliver a better experience for the customer.

Kyle Seebohm